Monday, January 2, 2012

Decorating... Slowly

It's been a year and a half since I bought the house and decorating is going ssssssssssssllllllllllooooooowwwwwwwwwwllllllyyyyy. Very slowly. I've been buying pieces of furniture here and there and little bits of art to put on the walls.

And of course there are all the wonderful ideas I get from pintrest! My first DIY home decoration was a push-pin board. I started out with a basic picture frame from Ikea:

I then spent entirely too long deciding on what type of fabric I wanted to use. I ended up at Joann's with my sis and mom for two hours searching through various fabrics and settled on a beautiful yellow and blue bird print. I also got two complementary fabrics which will go towards making a jewelry holder and something not yet decided.

I took the glass out of the frame and used the cardboard backing as a base. I wavered between using cork board, foam, or batting as the main material but then had a brilliant idea. I cut up my old yoga mat and used two layers of that.

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I then hot glued the pieces of yoga mat onto the card board. This was a pain because I was used a $3 glue gun. Note to self invest in a decent glue gun. I then made sure the doctored up cardboard would fit back into the frame and used my X-acto knife to smooth out some edges. I cut my fabric so that I had about an inch border on all sides and then stapled it on to the cardboard.

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Once I got it back in the frame I was able to hang it up and ta-da a homemade fabric covered push-pin board!! My next project will be to made funky matching push-pins and a matching jewelry holder.

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  1. Tanya, that's wonderful!! Good job!

  2. I love it! I totally want to make one for myself now. *Runs off to start a calendar of craft projects for the year...*

  3. Tanya, impressed as always! I have a feeling you're going to get "discovered" on Pininterest . . . (no idea how to spell that). I'm slowly getting more interested . . . SHOOT!
