Saturday, February 11, 2012

Nailed It

 If you're a pinster like me (pinning gangster - duh) you've seen your fair share of "Nailed It" pictures. Here are a few of my favorites:

You get the picture. Well we've done it. We've manage to make our very own "Nailed It" pinterest pictures.

First up  marshmallow snowmen:

And then my heart shaped cinnamon rolls:

The pin I based it off of:

Attempt 1:

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Yeah, I know not even close. I completely screwed up, from the recipe, to the shaping, to leaving it too long to rise.

Attempt 2:

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Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing

Not bad but not amazing. I would like to note that the original blog didn't have pictures of the cinnamon rolls after she baked them so I'm going to pretend that's because when she baked them they lost their shape just like mine. Another blogger says that if you use a round tin they wont lose their shape. Oh darn I'll just have to make more cinnamon rolls.

And finally because it was absolutely hysterical. While watching TV today I vaguely noticed a strange smell. Then all of a sudden I hear the word "burning" and the sound of running feet, doors opening and closing, and my brain - deadened from the TV watching - finally clicked, something was burning. Not just burning, it was on FIRE. I ran into the kitchen, burst out laughing, and said, "Wait don't touch it, I need to take a picture." Yeah, I'm that crazy.

So here you go the finally one for tonight. My mom "nailed" her Gruyere croutons for the french onion soup:

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Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing

Yes everything still smells like smoke.


  1. Tanya!! This was so funny. I haven't seen the "nailed it" think on Pinterest but I laughed at the ones you shared. You need to start a new one "burned it"

    But seriously, those hearts are damn impressive.

  2. I just stumbled across your post and was laughing so hard my hubby had to come over and see what it was all about. We both just cracked up, loved it!!

  3. Thanks Kika! I find myself amusing a lot.
