Sunday, February 26, 2012

Lazy Sunday

We had a lazy Sunday... and a Sunday without TV. I think I'll make every Sunday TV free it was so nice.

I cooked:
I sewed:
I tried to make a circle shirt, but I cut off too much from the bottom. I will be attempting a second one because it really could be cute!

I read:
Hatchet by Gary Paulsen - it's a Newbery winner and a book club book. I'm about half way through and I'm enjoying it but not as much as I've enjoyed every other Newbery I've read.

I just finished Clockwork Prince, book two in Cassandra Clare's Infernal Devices series. Checkout my review here.

What did you do today?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bibbidi Bobbidi Bacon

"Bacon, the most beautiful thing on earth."

I just want to start by apologizing to my friends who are vegan or who keep kosher. This post is ALL bacon. But I promise if you come over I will feed you food you can eat... It just wont be as good because it will be baconless... But I digress.

I love bacon... and I'm vocal in my love for bacon. Nothing has made me happier than the surge of bacon infiltration in the foodie world. I've become the somewhat unofficial queen of all things bacon. I'd say at least 3-4 times a week I get a facebook post, pin, email or tweet about something bacon related. It's out of hand and it's wonderful.

Last night I had dinner with my bookclub girls and Liz made homemade ice cream. Not just any homemade ice cream but chocolate... caramel... marshmallow... and yes you guessed it BACON ice cream.

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It was divine! Seriously one of the BEST ice creams I've ever had! So in honor of bacon ice cream I'm doing this all bacon everything blog post! I will refrain from the more, ummm, extreme items, but let's just say that NOTHING has been spared from bacon-ization.

Bacon foods:

For Christmas I made my co-workers bacon, marshmallow, caramel, whisky bark:

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A few months ago I made maple bacon cinnamon rolls based off of the maple bacon cupcake I had at So Cupcakes.

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Bacon donuts

Bacon pancakes/bacon cakes

Bacon bowl

Bacon jam (can't wait to make this!)

Bacon salt

Bacon hearts

I've heard Jack n the Box has a bacon milk shake... Someone needs to try it and report back!

Now on to the non-food bacon things:

Bacon scarf

Bacon band-aids

Bacon formula... If only I had known...

Bacon valentines day card

Bacon roses

Funny Bacon pictures:

Best tshirt ever! Two of my favorite things books (Game of Thrones) and bacon:

And then there's this! Another gem from my bookclub girls. This is the funniest bacon comedy act I've ever seen. HYSTERICAL! Please watch it! There's also a "study" on how bacon cures nose bleeds.

There's more... lots more... but now I'm going to make myself some bacon with a side of heart attack.

I bacon you!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Nailed It

 If you're a pinster like me (pinning gangster - duh) you've seen your fair share of "Nailed It" pictures. Here are a few of my favorites:

You get the picture. Well we've done it. We've manage to make our very own "Nailed It" pinterest pictures.

First up  marshmallow snowmen:

And then my heart shaped cinnamon rolls:

The pin I based it off of:

Attempt 1:

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Yeah, I know not even close. I completely screwed up, from the recipe, to the shaping, to leaving it too long to rise.

Attempt 2:

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Not bad but not amazing. I would like to note that the original blog didn't have pictures of the cinnamon rolls after she baked them so I'm going to pretend that's because when she baked them they lost their shape just like mine. Another blogger says that if you use a round tin they wont lose their shape. Oh darn I'll just have to make more cinnamon rolls.

And finally because it was absolutely hysterical. While watching TV today I vaguely noticed a strange smell. Then all of a sudden I hear the word "burning" and the sound of running feet, doors opening and closing, and my brain - deadened from the TV watching - finally clicked, something was burning. Not just burning, it was on FIRE. I ran into the kitchen, burst out laughing, and said, "Wait don't touch it, I need to take a picture." Yeah, I'm that crazy.

So here you go the finally one for tonight. My mom "nailed" her Gruyere croutons for the french onion soup:

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Yes everything still smells like smoke.